in-person connection remains very needed, and this is why we have launched sisterxsister. sisterxsister was founded in march 2018 and has met in over 16 cities across the united states. sisterxsister is a volunteer program for young girls interested in media. it is for girls, lead by girls. it is a monthly networking group that gathers in cities across the united states, connecting hundreds of young women who CREATE. each month we host an open discussion around a common issue within the creative media industry and exchange thoughts on how we can change and better the industry. this group fosters genuine friendships in local communities via a common interest like media. all creative young girls starting out in the media arts are welcome! our intention for this group is to build up our local community of young women in media and empower, encourage, + equip them for the workforce. click here for more information on sisterxsister.

Jessica’s article in the Dallas-based Urban Vacancy press sums our mission up nicely. when asked, “How does B+B stand out against other content creator communities?” Jessica states: “I don’t look to the right or to the left at other communities. To me there’s no competition because there is enough room at the table for everyone. Our biggest rallying point ‘is less me, more we.’ I think it’s all about the team and the core values. Does the team live it out in their own life? Do they walk it out? It’s all about good leadership.”

BUILD AND BLOOM has a lot in store for the future, and we are stoked to have you along for the ride. we will always remain a secure place to share work, ideas, and inspiration.